Monday, July 13, 2009

Khalid Sultan Cries Uncle

Only three letters with a few signatures and Khalid Sultan buckled under like a wimp. It is a clear win for the residents of the D C Colony. But it was only the first round - just the beginning of the end.

There may be a long drawn out war ahead.

I am afraid Khalid Sultan will not take this defeat with the grace of a gentleman because he is no gentleman. Gentlemen don't break their word of honor once they give it to someone.

He may try to buy some time just to get out of the corner where he finds himself at this juncture.

Today, when the meeting started it soon became clear that there was nothing on the agenda but the three letters - two from residents and the third from Hajji Sana Ullah as patron-in-Chief of the D C Colony welfare Council.

It was a daunting task to address all those concerns and answer all those questions that were raised in those three fiery epistles.

Khalid Sultan found himself completely outwitted and admitting that there was nothing in those letters that he could find objectionable. He confessed that he had been doing things arbitrarily in the past and running the affairs of the society by fiat. But those days were over. Now someone was watching his every move very closely. He had no choice but to go back to the book and follow the rules .

He came to this realization only after he saw the writing on the wall. This time, finally, he had come across a foe who had shown the ability and the will to stare him down.

The only way out for him was to cave in.

One of the Core Group had predicted only yesterday that Khalid Sultan would come begging on his knees.

He has asked for and received the carte blanche from Members of the Managing Committee to go and negotiate with Khawaja Saleh.

Hopefully, this time, he has the intention to be a gentleman. He is going with zero credibility.

1 comment:

  1. You have stopped writing your blog. We need you back. You have been away for a long time. Come back. This colony needs people like you. Khalid Sultan is trying to bulldoze everything and everyone on his way to another illegal term as president of the society. He has buttered the palms of the Registerar quite heavily by giving him 9 plots to get his signs for another term.
